EOD Posting File Lockbox I v1

Lockbox Version I v1 of the EOD Posting File is known to work with several existing Patient Accounts Receivable systems.  Contact your Implementations Manager for further information.

File Name Standard: Report Configuration ID | Report File Configuration ID | Account ID + _ + <ConfigurableValue> + “_” + CCYYMMDD + “.txt”

  • File can be generated by Account, End of Day File Group or Outlet.

File Format: Fixed Position, Fixed Width

No Header Record


Detail Record
Account Number1-12ANLeft Justified/Zero FilledPatient Account Number.
Patient Name13-24ANLeft Justified/Space FilledPatient Last Name + ", " + Patient First Name No "," if only have last name. If have first name only, will put "," without last name (", name")."
OCR Scan Line25-78ANSpace filledEmpty String, not used.
Statement Date79-86DTToday's Date, not Business Date (mmddccyy).
COID87-91NUMZero filledZero Filled String.
Practice/Facility ID92-96ANLeft Justified/Zero FilledAdditional Info 1.
Payment Date97-104DTBusiness Date of Transaction.
Payment Type105NUM0 = Default
1 = eCheck Transaction
2 = Credit Card Transaction
3 = Manual Check."
Credit Card Type106NUM0 = Default 1 = American Express 2 = Visa 3 = Discover.
Check Number107-116NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledCheck number if present
Paid Amount117-127NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledAbsolute value of payment, implied decimal.
Balance Due128-138NUMZero FilledZero Filled String.
Trailer Record
Record ID1/2/2016AN"99".
Total Patient Records3-12NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledTotal Transactions in the file (count).
Total Check Payments13-23NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledTotal Check Sale Amount - Check Refund Amount Monetary Value, not a count of how many transactions Implied Decimal.
Total Credit Payments24-34NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledTotal Credit Card Sale Amount - Credit Card Refund Amount. Monetary Value, not a count of how many transactions. Implied Decimal.
Total Cash Payments35-45NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledTotal Cash Sale Amount - Cash Refund Amount. Monetary Value, not a count of how many transactions Implied Decimal.
Total Sum of All Payments46-56NUMLeft Justified/Zero FilledTotal Sale Amount - Total Refund Amount. Monetary Value, not a count of how many transactions. Implied Decimal.
Filter57-138ANSpace FilledEmpty String.